2021 Carl Doty Scholarship Offered

The Carl Doty Art /Design Scholarship

July 16, 2021

This scholarship is in honour of Yarmouthian Carl Doty- philanthropist, patron of the arts, supporter of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and the Friends of the AGNS Western Branch Society.

The scholarship, valued at $1500., is to offset the costs of tuition/training of a student who is in his or her final year in high school, community college or home schooling in Yarmouth, Digby or Shelburne, who intends to study art/design in a recognized program (or setting) of higher learning. Students may also apply who are enrolled in their first or second year of our listed professional areas.

The scholarship is administered by the executive of the Friends of the AGNS Western Branch Society along with a designated member of the Yarmouth Arts Society. All applicants will be advised of the results, and the recipient will be recognized at their graduation ceremony. A cheque will be sent directly to the institution once proof of enrollment is provided.

The completed application form (attached) including artwork, personal essay and sealed reference letter from an art teacher/instructor must be received by July 16, 2021 .

By mail:                                                            Dropped off at:      

Jude Fulton                     Yarmouth Creatives 

925 Highway 340                OR                      Yarmouth Mall

South Ohio NS                                                 11 am to 5 pm Mon.-Sat.

B5A 5N2                                                 12 pm to 5 pm Sun.  


  1. The applicant must submit three (3) original pieces that exemplify your particular interest (painting, etching, sculpture, photography, etc.|). Each work must be identified with your name, title and address.
  1. The applicant must submit a personal essay, maximum 600 words. The essay must cover these three points:
  1. Insights into the three pieces of art you have submitted.
  2. Your future plans.
  3. Tell us something about who you are.
  1. The applicant must provide a sealed letter of reference from an art or design teacher/instructor/mentor.

The Carl Doty Art /Design Scholarship – APPLICATION FORM

July 16, 2021

Student’s name:

Date of application:

Mailing Address (including Postal Code)

Telephone number:


Name of school currently attending:

Name of post-secondary institution or training program you plan to attend:

Work #1 

      Title and medium:

Work #2

       Title and Medium:

Work #3 

       Title and Medium:


My application includes three pieces of artwork as specified, my essay and a sealed letter of reference. The artwork is original and is mine. 

Signed: ____________________________________________________________